Chief - Mariah Charleson

Councilor -Preston Campbell

Councilor - Jayme Faron Charleson

Councilor - Kayla 


Councilor - Joy Charleson

Councilor - Nora Mamie Mosionier

Councilor - Jessie 


It is an Honor to serve and lead the Hesquiaht First Nation, Hot Springs Cove.

The Chief and Council will diligently pursue all aspects of the Hesquiaht's right to self-determination, protect and manage our lands and territories and endeavor to provide ongoing economic opportunities for our people. For those who are now and the ones who come next, we will keep our culture, language and the traditions of our ancestors alive and thriving. Whether it is for economic opportunities or simply to visit friends and family, our reserve is always open to all Hesquiaht who want to come to Hot Springs Cove.